Welcome to our montly newsletter. This time we have a lot of cool images and videos for you from from printed models and some very interesting news:
1. Our Webshop now includes Gothic Sanctuary
2. Stretchgoal 9 - Order Chem Factory has been released
A new model from the Gothic Sanctuary Collection is now availiable for a discount in our shop. Head there and check it out!

3. Concept phase on our next Kickstarter has concluded
We now know for sure what the theme of our next Kickstarter will be. All we can say right now is that it's a continuation on a topic that we have already covered once. Subscribe to our Newsletter to learn more.
4. Product descriptions have been updated with images of prints.
Thanks to some of our backers and a full week of printing we now have a lot of new images of print outs on our product description pages... Check them out!
