Welcome back to the latest installment of the War Scenery Newsletter! This might be the last Newsletter before the coming of the greatest War Scenery Project ever!
1. Pre Launch of DISTRICT 1919:
The time to reveal our next 3D printable Terrain Kickstarter, District 1919 has finally come:
There is unrest stiring up in the glimmering capitol of a distant world. The prosperous and glooming streets of the luxorious district have become a place of conflict. Where once tourists and travelers traversed the bustling streets, now anarchy reigns!
Sign up so you don't miss the launch of this project: CLICK HERE
2. War Scenery featured again:
Our models have been featured again on the german YouTube channel "Diced", check out his amazing battle-report an see the War Scenery Space Combat Pack in action!
3. Printed Models Examples:
Here are some more images of cool prints by our customers, this time PhoenixForge from Australia and SalaiseFigurine from France are featured with different models!

Thanks and Greetings